Weekly mental fitness programming for CrossFit men.

Think of Bending Pink Steel like a box for your brain. One where you’ll learn how to build a mind that fights for you, not against you. You’re already on the right path. Your body is growing strong, flexible, and resilient. Now, it’s time to give those same gifts to the most important muscle of all.  

What’s Inside:

  • Actionable Content. You’ll get out of BPS exactly what you put into it. Every week, subscribers get two posts: one to read (Series) and one to act on (Challenge). These will introduce you to new ways of thinking and jumpstart the right kinds of patterns in your head.

  • Quarterly Focus. There’s a ton of excellent resources out there for people who want to get better. But sorting through it, knowing who to trust, and turning it into a plan you can follow is a massive undertaking. BPS takes the guesswork out of your self-development and growth with a new series — centered around a single goal — published every three months (i.e., programming done for you).

  • Vetted Community. People grow better together. Inside BPS, you’ll get the opportunity to connect with other men who are on the same path as you so that you can get accountability and encouragement along the way. Just like a CF class, but without the sweat stink.

Who am I?

My name is David Ramos. Here’s the short story of how I got here.

I weighed 120lbs on the left, 160 on the right. In 6 months, everything changed.

Back in 2017, my life almost ended. I lost 45lbs in 6 weeks, unintentionally. My body and mind were extremely burnt out, and what I thought to be the start of a cold morphed into a sickness that left me bedridden, unable to eat solids, and on short-term disability from my job at 28 years old.

It was one hell of a wake-up call.

I went from being the person people relied on to a guy who couldn’t make it to the bathroom on his own. I was in survival mode. Terrified. Angry. Lost.

But I got lucky.

I met a doctor who thought about health differently, and she asked me this question: What feels so impossible right now that it feels silly saying it out loud?

My answer: Completing a Spartan race.

She replied: Ok, today we’re going to do one thing to make that feel less impossible.

That night, on the living room floor of my apartment, I started CrossFit.

Slowly, I rebuilt my diet and strength and watched as my symptoms dissipated. A few weeks in, I was able to return to work and join my first official box. Then, almost 6 months to the day of that initial conversation — I finished my race.

CrossFit saved my life.

I learned that health isn’t just about how strong you are or how hard you can outwork everyone else. It’s about flexibility and endurance and resilience. It’s about befriending your body, not punishing it.

And the same is true for mental fitness.

I’ve learned to love how my mind works; to see it as a partner in building a life I’m proud of. And, just like my body, to understand that it needs consistent training too.

That’s where the name Bending Pink Steel comes from.

There are lots of ways to bend steel, but the most effective, the ones that lead to the strongest end product, are all slow and steady. Patient. Persistent.

Your mind can be reshaped into anything you want it to be. Just like steel. Pink steel, to be precise. So, let’s craft one that helps you get the life you’re after.  

I’ll see you inside.


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Weekly mental fitness programming for CrossFit men.


David Ramos, MA, MEd, is the creator of Bending Pink Steel — a mental fitness resource for men. He lives in Cleveland, Ohio, with his wife, Bre, and his pup, Ajax.