Becoming someone or something you’ve never been before is incredibly intimidating. But you’ve already done it.
Lots of times.
You’ve faked and fought and finagled your way into newness more times than you’ve realized. Hopefully, this will jog your memory.
Here’s this week’s challenge.
We’re going to work left to right and then jump around in this one. Start by doodling a sketch of yourself in the circle labeled Past. Choose a version of you that’s obviously different than today. Add any details you like (background, items you’re holding, etc.). Bonus points if it makes you cringe.
Next, move to the Present circle and repeat the process, this time drawing what you and your life look like right now. Add details: show the relationships you have, the job you work, the hobbies you hold. If there’s something you don’t like about the now, go ahead and include that too somewhere in the image.
For the last circle, draw an impossibly amazing Future. Just balls-to-the-wall extraordinary. What do you look like? What do your surroundings look like? Who’s in the picture with you? Moonshot this biatch.
Now, go back to the first arrow (between Past and Present) and write down what happened to make you go from one to the other. Here’s some questions to get you started: What changed? How long did it take? How did the first person prepare you to become the next?
Repeat for the second arrow (between Present and Future). What would need to happen/change for this future to move from impossible to less impossible to kinda doable? How is the now you preparing you for that future? What are ways you can “visit” that future today (e.g., temporarily try on what might someday be your normal)?
Becoming is a paradox.
Real life is supposed to sound a little crazy on paper because that’s how it goes. One day, we’re one thing, and the next, we’re something else. Letting “fake” be a part of our vocabulary gives us permission to grow in inconsistent ways.
You can be whatever you want to be. F*ck the script.
Let’s see all of you.