Enjoy this MISCellaneous article as we take a break from our main series this week.
Books have always been my safe place.
When my world has been shattered by some event, disappointment, or tragedy, my first instinct is to find someone else’s words to help me make sense of it.
For those in the CrossFit community wrestling with the pain of Thursday’s loss, here are a few reads that might help you too.
When Bad Things Happened to a Good Person by Harold S. Kushner
I have met [hope] in the sunshine but more often in the shadows, not in the elegant perfection of the world but in the resilience of the human soul, the ability of people to find even a pain-filled life, even a grossly unfair life, worth living.
It’s OK That You’re Not OK by Megan Devine
Some things cannot be fixed. They can only be carried.
A Grief Observed by C.S. Lewis
The death of a beloved is an amputation.
Here is Lazar Đukić’s GoFundMe page, his CrossFit Athlete page, and this tribute video.
BPS will be back next week.
✨ Updates
There’s been a lot of news surrounding this event, so I wanted to curate the most important updates in a single place.
My Friend Died at the CrossFit Games. Now, We Demand Change. — Men’s Health
In the Wake of Tragedy, CrossFit Faces an Identity Crisis — New York Times
More coming soon.