"Forgiveness is the returning of our power, meaning we become the ones, again, who control our thoughts and emotions and actions. It does not mean erasing responsibility or forgetting all wrongdoing or relinquishing all hopes of justice. It’s all about you. Only you. And what you take back."

Not that you have connected forgiveness to power, I can't un-see it. We re-claim power when we let go of the things that have stripped power away from us.

In my book Breakthroughs are Everywhere (shameless plug), I tell a story from my life where I was betrayed by a family friend in a professional setting. What sucks about getting screwed over is that you lose twice, and the second loss is worse than the first. I lost when I got ripped to shreds in the CEOs office. I was losing ever more when I let distrust shape the way I approached relationships and life.

I remember the day I finally let go like it was yesterday. It was 5 am on a Sunday. I was sitting in a recliner, feeling all the weight of not letting go. I wrote a 5-page letter addressed to no one. I poured out everything, and I finally let it go. I RE-GAINED MY POWER! It's not a coincidence that I took my part time coaching practice full time that the same year.

As we understand that forgiveness is how we re-gain power, not relinquish it, it should drastically increase our motivation to forgive. Because it's not about them, it's about you!

Man, everyone should be reading this!

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1. Your book is awesome so PLUG AWAY!

2. I remember that story, and I feel like it's literally the perfect illustration of this idea! You are one of those people who 100% knows how to own their power - its honestly inspiring.

3. "everyone should be reading this" -> that's what I've been telling people too 😅

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